Elliot House Officer 2021-2022 President: Jedidiah Caperton Vice President: Isabella Martin Community Service: Bonnie Haentsch Historian: Granger Krajca Baron: Samuel Hellstern Chaplains: Riley Caperton and Garrett Beall House Chairpersons and Assistants: Daniella Debenport, Caleb Thom and Knox Pittman
Elliot House Officers 2020-2021 President: Isabel Bannerot Vice President: Andrew Erne Community Service: Historian: Granger Krajca Baron: Bella Martin Chaplains: Jed Caperton and House Chairpersons and Assistants:
Elliot House Officers 2019-2020 President: Sebastiao Martin Vice President: Faith Whetzel Community Service: Tyler Hellstern Historian: Harlie Bolz Baron: Andrew Erne Chaplains: Ginger Anderson and Ford Winchester House Chairpersons and Assistants: Ruth Haentsch, Bella Martin, Isabel Bannerot
Elliot House Officers 2018-2019 President: Grayson Winchester, Senior Vice President: Davis Dodds, Junior Community Service: Ginger Anderson, Junior Baron: Ford Winchester, Sophomore Historian: Faith Whetzel, Junior