NON-DENOMINATIONAL POSITION Christian Life Preparatory School’s Statement of Faith is fundamental to basic Christian tenets and contains those doctrines to which we unreservedly adhere and teach. It is our desire to maintain this position and to do so in all fairness to each family. It is necessary, therefore, that parents, students, staff, and school board members recognize that the following areas are to be left to the teaching of home and church: 1. Church government authority 2. Time and mode of baptism 3. Security of the believer 4. Timing of future events 5. Second work of grace-baptism of the Holy Spirit 6. Sinless perfection 7. Gift of the Spirit-tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, miracle working, discerning of spirits In honoring this desire concerning the outreach of this ministry, there shall be no attempt made by parents, students, staff, or school board members to promote or disparage any doctrinal or denominational beliefs, practices, or positions regarding issues upon which the ministry itself has assumed no official stance. We desire to remain united in the salvation and love of Christ, avoiding the dissension which may be caused by denominational distinctives.