Overview High school students who already know how to play an instrument or sing from sheet music may participate in the TAPPS solo and ensemble contest. This is an independent study course with oversight from the Fine Arts Department Lead. Eligible students who complete the requirements may compete at the TAPPS competition and be awarded medals by competition judges.
Solo and ensemble is a 1/2-hr. independent study fine arts course. To earn this credit, a student must register for the course for the spring semester and submit a proposal to the Fine Arts Department Lead no later than January 15. The proposal will include a description of the student’s or ensemble’s instrumentation and the title, composer, and publisher of their chosen piece of music.*
The student soloist or ensemble must maintain a practice log and have a weekly practice/touchpoint with the music teacher each Wednesday from 3:00-4:00 pm leading into the competition. The recommended amount of practice time for the solo competition is 30 minutes a day for 6 days out of the week during the solo and ensemble “season.” The recommended amount of practice time for students in ensembles is 1-1.5 hours a week during the solo and ensemble “season.” This time may be spent practicing individually or with the ensemble.
Upon completion of the weekly practice/touchpoint with the music teacher, the completion of the practice logs, and the competition on February 24, the student will earn the 1-hr fine arts credit.
Click on the Event Code dropdown menu. Select your instrument and either solo or ensemble. For example: 202 Flute Solo.
Click on Grade and select either 1 (most difficult), 2, or 3 (least difficult).
Browse the song list. You might want to copy the Event Name, Title, and Composer, and paste it into a Google search to see if there are previews or videos of the piece being performed (Ex: "Flute SoloLegendeAndersen"). If your child is taking music lessons with a music teacher, he/she might have some recommended songs, as well.
Please email Katie Sutton ([email protected]) if you need help with selecting music